Dear Andrei,

>this seems to be a too "loosely defined" question;
>"will be Siesta accurate enough" with which basis, cutoffs etc.?

basis set DZP
mesh cutoff 200 Ry

I did test calculations for Si(100) (unreconstructed and unrelaxed) surface
energy in Siesta, the Esurf is very
close to published values obtained in VASP (error less than 1 meV/A2).
So I am quite sure about this.

Kind regards

2009/6/4 <>

> > Dear Siesta users,
> >
> > recently Andrei Postnikov wrote a small tutorial on Siesta
> >
> >
> > He wrote:
> > "one cannot a priori expect equally good performance of basis over
> > a large range of bond lengths and, say, pressures: as the pressure is
> > varying, the “completeness”
> > or “variational freedom” of basis in the region of chemically relevant,
> > under a given pressure, bond
> > lengths do vary; consequently the calculated pressure/energy curve may
> > slightly differ from that
> > obtained in a “benchmark” FLAPW calculation."
> >
> > A good test would be to compare bulk VASP and Siesta calculations and
> > deside
> > if calculation
> > in Siesta is accurate enough at some particular pressure. Unfortunately
> we
> > don't have VASP here.
> >
> > My question is (+/- 10%) of the equlibrium lattice constants of Si and Ge
> > are Ok for Siesta?
> > Will be Siesta accurate enough to calculate surface energy with an error
> > of about 1 meV/A2 ?
> Dear Ruslan,
> this seems to be a too "loosely defined" question;
> "will be Siesta accurate enough" with which basis, cutoffs etc.?
> It would demand a more careful study, volume curve vs. volume curve,
> in the spirit or Junquera's tests of basis - Fig.2 of PRB64, 235111.
> If you don't have VASP nor WIEN2k, install ABINIT or PWSCF
> which should be good enough for Si and Ge.
> The surface energy is another philosophical question
> (the issue of wrong asymptotics on the surface? Using different
> pseudo?) - I think this has been addressed in some of quite early
> Siesta papers.
> Best regards
> Andrei Postnikov

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