Instead of waiting for 3.0, I think you should try ATK ( It has a gui and it is very easy to learn. I took me only 3 days to compile/learn/run it. Also you can gain lots of usefull knowledge about transport calculations from the atk manual.

On 06/28/2009 02:02 PM, Reza Kalantari wrote:
Dear Emilio


Dose TranSiesta have any limitation? For example number of atoms or type
of possible atom? I am working on a nanobiosensor and its mechanism
which is based on electrical conductance transaction mechanism such as a
field effect transistor. Is it possible let me know that I can use
TranSiesta for simulation of quantum transport in this system?

Do you have any idea about Siesta version 3 release time?

Best regrads


Emilio Artacho wrote:

    francisco tiano wrote:
     > Thank you for the response, excuse me, how soon?

    as I understand it should be a matter of days, but the precise date
    on details I don't know.

     > Because I need it for my pre-grade thesis, and if already I have the
     > license of 2.0 I need to ask for the license again to obtain 3.0?

    If you have a license you don't need a new one.
    You should see it there when you login in the siesta web site
    after it has been announced.


     > 2009/6/26 Emilio Artacho <
    <> < <>>>
     > Hi Francisco
     > The 3.0 version (should come up very shortly) has it included
     > in the package.
     > Emilio
     > francisco tiano wrote:
     > Hello, I need a favor, someone knows where I can obtain the
     > TranSiesta?, I already have the license of the Siesta but I
     > need to calculate properties of transport and i can't find the
     > program in any part.
     > --
     > Emilio Artacho
     > Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
     > Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
     > Tel. (+44/0) 1223 333480, Fax (+44/0) 1223 333450
     > <>
    < <>>,
    < <>>

    Emilio Artacho

    Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
    Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
    Tel. (+44/0) 1223 333480, Fax (+44/0) 1223 333450 <>,

Reza Kalantari-Nezhad
PhD. Student
AmirKabir University of Technology
Home: +98-21-77465193
Mobile: +98-912-7633204
Mobile: +98-935-2578543

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