Dear Shi,
the problem is incompatibility of the DM file as was previously stored
with the new calculation. If you don't see
an obvious reason why it might have occur, simply remove (or rename)
your .DM file and start from scratch.
However, starting OrderN from scratch can result in other problems,
since it is rather fragile. If you can afford doing diagon
for the beginning, it might be a good idea.

Best regards

Andrei Postnikov

> Dear users,
> I use the orderN to calculate a system of containing 300 atoms. At the
> begging of the program, it shows that:
>  iodm: Reading Density Matrix from files
> chkdim: ERROR: In iodm, dimension maxnd = 1241713. It must be at least
> 1249238
> Stopping Program from Node:    0
> forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
> Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
> siesta             00000000005BCA7E  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             000000000052930E  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             00000000004116DE  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             00000000004668C0  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             000000000046478A  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             00000000005087CE  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             0000000000404CEA  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
>          000000396271C4BB  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> siesta             0000000000404C2A  Unknown               Unknown
> Unknown
> can you help me?
> Best wishes!
> Shi

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