Dear Nick,

Tanks for your kind reply.

Best Wishes,

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:20 AM, Nick Papior <> wrote:

> A ZGNR is a 1-dimensional system. This means that the corresponding
> reciprocal cell is 1-dimensional.
> Hence you should only calculate the bandstructure along periodic lattice
> vectors. In this case the third cell vector. This is not reflected in your
> bandlines block.
> Also, if you want the bandstructure of a pristine ZGNR, you should reduce
> your geometry to the minimal unit cell/atoms. Otherwise you have
> band-foldings (which may, or may not, be desired).
> 2016-07-20 6:32 GMT+02:00 maryam jamaati <>:
>> Dear SIESTA users,
>> I'm trying to calculate band structure of ZGNR. But the obtained result
>> seems wrong. I checked everything but I don't find the problem.
>> So, could anyone help me with this problem? Any comment will be
>> appreciated. Thanks.
>> my fdf:
>> SystemLabel      ZGNR
>> NumberOfAtoms    84
>> NumberOfSpecies  1
>> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>>     1    6  C
>> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>> LatticeConstant     1.000000 Ang
>> %block LatticeVectors
>>    49.190240        0.0000000       0.0000000
>>    0.0000000        17.216584       0.0000000
>>    0.0000000        0.0000000       17.216584
>> %endblock LatticeVectors
>> AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
>> %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>> 1.424573 0.000000 -0.0000190 1
>> 2.130544 0.000000 -1.2306270 1
>> 3.556068 0.000000 -1.2306060 1
>> 4.262992 0.000000 -0.0000220 1
>> 5.687207 0.000000 -0.0000210 1
>> 6.394538 0.000000 -1.2306100 1
>> 7.818672 0.000000 -1.2306130 1
>> 8.526009 0.000000 -0.0000160 1
>> 9.950250 0.000000 -0.0000230 1
>> 10.657196 0.000000 -1.2305960 1
>> 12.083009 0.000000 -1.2306350 1
>> 12.788179 0.000000 -0.0000540 1
>> 1.424447 0.000000 2.4595040 1
>> 2.130573 0.000000 1.2288990 1
>> 3.556074 0.000000 1.2288950 1
>> 4.262993 0.000000 2.4594960 1
>> 5.687210 0.000000 2.4594970 1
>> 6.394541 0.000000 1.2289100 1
>> 7.818672 0.000000 1.2289110 1
>> 8.526009 0.000000 2.4594970 1
>> 9.950253 0.000000 2.4595030 1
>> 10.657212 0.000000 1.2289130 1
>> 12.083118 0.000000 1.2289050 1
>> 12.788176 0.000000 2.4595420 1
>> 1.424491 0.000000 4.9189870 1
>> 2.130618 0.000000 3.6884220 1
>> 3.556085 0.000000 3.6884230 1
>> 4.262994 0.000000 4.9190080 1
>> 5.687208 0.000000 4.9190080 1
>> 6.394541 0.000000 3.6884210 1
>> 7.818670 0.000000 3.6884240 1
>> 8.526006 0.000000 4.9190000 1
>> 9.950232 0.000000 4.9190150 1
>> 10.657200 0.000000 3.6884120 1
>> 12.083023 0.000000 3.6884340 1
>> 12.788375 0.000000 4.9190900 1
>> 1.424593 0.000000 7.3785450 1
>> 2.130528 0.000000 6.1479280 1
>> 3.556070 0.000000 6.1479440 1
>> 4.262987 0.000000 7.3785220 1
>> 5.687208 0.000000 7.3785200 1
>> 6.394542 0.000000 6.1479280 1
>> 7.818671 0.000000 6.1479310 1
>> 8.526002 0.000000 7.3785130 1
>> 9.950230 0.000000 7.3785240 1
>> 10.657157 0.000000 6.1478930 1
>> 12.082766 0.000000 6.1479730 1
>> 12.788722 0.000000 7.3785650 1
>> 1.424597 0.000000 9.8380290 1
>> 2.130523 0.000000 8.6074510 1
>> 3.556065 0.000000 8.6074470 1
>> 4.262982 0.000000 9.8380360 1
>> 5.687207 0.000000 9.8380350 1
>> 6.394536 0.000000 8.6074450 1
>> 7.818675 0.000000 8.6074460 1
>> 8.526000 0.000000 9.8380320 1
>> 9.950221 0.000000 9.8380360 1
>> 10.657120 0.000000 8.6074320 1
>> 12.082572 0.000000 8.6074650 1
>> 12.788849 0.000000 9.8380450 1
>> 1.424567 0.000000 12.2975670 1
>> 2.130516 0.000000 11.0669660 1
>> 3.556065 0.000000 11.0669560 1
>> 4.262983 0.000000 12.2975440 1
>> 5.687204 0.000000 12.2975430 1
>> 6.394539 0.000000 11.0669610 1
>> 7.818672 0.000000 11.0669590 1
>> 8.526001 0.000000 12.2975490 1
>> 9.950227 0.000000 12.2975360 1
>> 10.657112 0.000000 11.0669600 1
>> 12.082526 0.000000 11.0669460 1
>> 12.788823 0.000000 12.2975090 1
>> 1.424530 0.000000 14.7570410 1
>> 2.130569 0.000000 13.5264530 1
>> 3.556073 0.000000 13.5264630 1
>> 4.262983 0.000000 14.7570470 1
>> 5.687206 0.000000 14.7570490 1
>> 6.394537 0.000000 13.5264650 1
>> 7.818669 0.000000 13.5264620 1
>> 8.526003 0.000000 14.7570560 1
>> 9.950232 0.000000 14.7570400 1
>> 10.657143 0.000000 13.5265080 1
>> 12.082699 0.000000 13.5264050 1
>> 12.788415 0.000000 14.7569600 1
>> %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>> MeshCutoff 300 Ry
>> SolutionMethod  diagon
>> xc.functional    GGA
>> xc.authors       PBE
>> #basis set defenition
>> PAO.BasisType    split
>> PAO.BasisSize    DZP
>> PAO.EnergyShift 0.005 Ry
>> PAO.SplitNorm    0.15
>> %block PS.lmax
>>    C   3
>> %endblock PS.lmax
>> # relaxation
>> #MD.TypeOfRun    CG
>> #MD.NumCGsteps    200
>> #MD.MaxForceTol    0.01 eV/Ang
>> MaxSCFIterations           400
>> DM.MixingWeight            0.10
>> DM.Tolerance               1.d-5
>> DM.NumberPulay             6
>> %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
>>  1 0 0 0.0
>>  0 1 0 0.0
>>  0 0 20 0.0
>> %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
>> UseSaveDM True
>> BandLinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors
>> %block bandlines
>> 1     0.5000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     \Gamma
>> 20  -0.5000000000     0.0000000000     0.5000000000     X
>> 40  -0.5000000000    -0.5000000000     0.5000000000     K
>> 60  -0.5000000000    -0.5000000000     0.0000000000     M
>> 80  -0.5000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     \Gamma
>> 100  -0.5000000000    -0.5000000000     0.5000000000     K
>> 120  -0.5000000000    -0.5000000000     0.0000000000     M
>> 140  -0.5000000000     0.0000000000     0.5000000000     X
>> %endblock bandlines
> --
> Kind regards Nick

Responder a