Please see whether this bug-report has corrected your problems.
The bug-report highlights that this is only a matter of printing the
initial spin configuration, not how the actual spin-configuration is "seen"
by siesta.

2017-03-06 17:27 GMT+01:00 Pouya Partovi-Azar <>:

> Hello everyone,
> I’m doing a spin polarized calculation on a system consisting of hydrogen,
> carbon an nitrogen. I just encountered a strange behavior when comparing
> the outputs of SIESTA v3.2 and v4.1. I have attached the input files used
> for the calculations and the outputs generated by the code.
> If I set “DM.InitSpinAF  .false.” I expect to have 18 in "initdm: Initial
> spin polarization (Qup-Qdown)” according to the order in the atomic
> coordinates block (+3+5*(+2)+5*(+1)=18). I get the number 18 in v3.2 output
> file, but not in v4.1, where I get 5!
> Now, when I set “DM.InitSpinAF  .false.” I would expect to get 2 in
> "initdm: Initial spin polarization (Qup-Qdown)” (+3-2+2-2+2-2+1-1+1-1+1=2),
> which again I get correctly in v3.2. However, in v4.1 I get 1!
> Theses inconsistencies do not affect the final spin polarization of the
> system I have considered in these calculations, but there are, of course,
> systems where different initial spin configurations result in different
> final spins, and consequently different band structures, density of states,
> and transport properties for different spins.
> Does anyone know the main reason behind this difference in two SIESTA
> versions? How to solve it? By the way, the corresponding manuals do not
> specify anything about possible differences in two versions.
> Thanks in advance,
> Pouya
> PS: In the case of v4.1, I sometimes even get fractional numbers as
> initial spin configurations!

Kind regards Nick

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