Dear users,

I am interested in simulation of Graphene ribbons doped with Fe. When I
proceed with the spin-polarized calculations, the SCF in first CG run
didn't converge. It is taking 500 SCF cycles or even more during

Should I change pulay parameters? Or Linear mixing schemes? If pulay then
should I increase weight or number of pulay??

Also, what else should I correct to get faster convergence?? or Electronic
temp should be reduced?

My fdf file parameters are as follows:

PAO.BasisSize DZP

XC.functional GGA

XC.authors    PBE

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

   1   0   0  0.0

   0   1   0  0.0

   0   0  49  0.0

%endblock Kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

MeshCutoff         370.0 Ry

MaxSCFIterations 5000

SCF.Mixer.Method Pulay

SCF.Mixer.Variant original

SCF.Mixer.Weight 0.1

SCF.Mixer.History 2

SCF.Tolerance.DM 1.d-4

MD.TypeOfRun CG

MD.MaxForceTol = 0.01 eV/Ang

MD.NumCGsteps 5000

MD.VariableCell .false.

SCF.Mix.First false

SCF.Mix.AfterConvergence false

SCF.RecomputeHAfterScf false

SCF.Mix density

SCF.Converge.DM true

Spin polarized

SCF.Mix.Spin all

FixSpin false

DM.InitSpinAF false

WriteCoorXmol true

SolutionMethod   diagon

Thank u so much...

With Regards

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