Dear Koussai,

I think the problem is with the pseudo potential. In order to do spin-orbit 
coupling calculation, you need to have a "relativistic" pseudo potential. You 
can construct a relativistic pseudo potential file from a non-relativistic one 
using "ATOM" package.

Here is the manual:

And here is a tutorial by Prof. Javier

Kind Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Koussai LAZAAR" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 6:00:00 AM
Subject: [SIESTA-L] SOC "spin-orbit coupling" error

Dear SIESTA User,

I would thank you if someone tell me how to compute the spin-orbit coupling
(SOC calculations ) with SIESTA.

I already tried (spin SOC )  but I found this error :

 ** No spin-orbit potential for species   1"

Thanks in advance!

Koussai LAZAAR

LOMA -Bordeaux

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