Could you:

0) Send the FORCE_STRESS file?
1) Use siesta-4.1 b4 (you are using b3)
2) Add MinSCFIterations 3 to the options
3) I would probably try and relax the system a bit first in a non-polarized
calculation (but this is unrelated to the failure)

Also, you are compiling with Intel -O3 which I typically won't advice.
Intel compilers are extremely aggressive which may lead to small numerical
problems. I would stick with -O2 and compile atom.F with -O1.

It seems the output was truncated since the failing call is *after* the
atoms has been moved. I.e. try this:
$> unbuffer mpirun -np ... siesta RUN.fdf > RUN.out
or equivalent, then send the output again.

Den man. 15. apr. 2019 kl. 22.02 skrev I. Camps <>:

> Hi Nick,
> Here it is.
> []'s,
> Camps
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 5:02 PM Nick Papior <> wrote:
>> Could you please do a tar.gz or zip file? rar is horrible ;)
>> Den lør. 13. apr. 2019 kl. 22.01 skrev I. Camps <>:
>>> Hello Nick,
>>> Here are the files.
>>> []'s,
>>> Camps
>>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 5:02 PM Nick Papior <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Could you attach the output, fdf and psf files?
>>>> Den tor. 11. apr. 2019 kl. 22.01 skrev I. Camps <>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> My system is a nanotube with 123 atoms (B, N, Ni). I am running a
>>>>> geometry optimization and the calculations are stopped (after 10 CG steps)
>>>>> with the following message:
>>>>> "*Sparse pattern is oversubscribed with nodes, please reduce number
>>>>> of nodes*"
>>>>> The calculation are running using 7 and 3 cores (in the same node). In
>>>>> both cases, the error message is the same.
>>>>> System: OpenSUSE 64bits, Intel and siesta-4.1--736
>>>>> I appreciate any help.
>>>>> []'s,
>>>>> Camps
>>>> --
>>>> Kind regards Nick
>> --
>> Kind regards Nick

Kind regards Nick

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