Den tir. 2. jul. 2019 kl. 22.01 skrev El-abed Haidar <>:

> THank you again for the reply Nick
> I wanted to ask you then if PDOS siesta vs PDOS Tbtrans(V=0) are NOT
> similar which means that the system is not sufficiently built: Does that
> mean all results (T(E), current and PDOS) are not physical?
Probably yes, this would be a first guess.
I.e. you should try and increase the system size.

> IF so could it be because Transiesta and thus Tbtrans are z coordinate
> sensitive (in a sense that I should always build my system in an increasing
> z order)?
They are not z-coordinate sensitive.

> Thank you and looking forward to your reply!
> EL-abed
>  El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
>  Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
>  | School of Physics
> ------------------------------
> *From:* <> on behalf of
> Nick Papior <>
> *Sent:* Monday, 24 June 2019 8:23 PM
> *To:* siesta-l
> *Subject:* Re: [SIESTA-L] Thoughts on PDOS siesta vs PDOS tbtrans
> In general,
> A 0 bias calculation should yield a somewhat equivalent PDOS in siesta vs.
> tbtrans. If this is the case it means that you have set up your system in a
> sufficient manner. This is to say that the electrodes already screen off
> the junction sufficiently (please spend some time on why this is)!
> For non-zero bias they are (should) be different.
> Den fre. 21. jun. 2019 kl. 22.01 skrev El-abed Haidar <
> Good evening all,
> I was wondering if anyone could give some insight on the difference
> between PDOS calculated in siesta as a DFT run vs PDOS calculated in
> tbtrans as a DFT+NEGF run.
> Should i expect for example PDOS to be different? Any computational or
> physical insight would be highly appreciated.
> Thank you and looking forward to the comments.
> EL-abed
>  El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
>  Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
>  | School of Physics
> --
> Kind regards Nick

Kind regards Nick

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