Dear Siesta Users
 I am trying to relax 8-pmmn borophene nanoribbon using siesta, but
each I could not.
Here is my fdf files for reference.
 Please help me with this.
 Thank You
SystemName                      YBNR
SystemLabel                     9YBNR

PAO.BasisSize                   DZP             # Default value

#Bandstructure k points#                        # Uncomment the following only 
when you
want the bandstructure.
#BandLinesScale                                 ReciprocalLatticeVectors
#%block BandLines                               
#1      0.3333  0.6666  0.0000                  # K
#500    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000                  # Gamma
#500    0.5000  0.5000  0.0000                  # M
#500    0.3333  0.6666  0.0000                  # K     
#%endblock BandLines

#Sampling k points#
%block    kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack                  # For DOS calculations
use X3. More info on DOS calculation can be found at PDOS analysis
 1    0    0    0.0
 0    1    0    0.0
 0    0   10    0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_pack

#DFT, Grid, SCF#
SolutionMethod                  diagon
XC.Functional                   GGA
XC.authors                      PBE
SpinPolarized                   F                       # Default value
NonCollinearSpin                F                       # Default value
FixSpin                         F                       # Default value
TotalSpin                       0.0                     # Default value
SingleExcitation                F                       # Default value
MeshCutoff                      300.0 Ry                # Change it
according to your case.
MaxSCFIterations                500
DM.MixingWeight                 0.1
DM.NumberPulay                  6
DM.NumberKick                   0
DM.KickMixingWeight             0.10
DM.MixSCF1                      F                       # Default value
DM.Tolerance                    0.0001                  # Default value
DM.InitSpinAF                   F                       # Default value (For 

EggboxScale                     1 eV                    # Default value

#Eigenvalue problems#

MD.TypeOfRun                    CG                      # Default value
MD.VariableCell                 T                       # Default
value (First set it to F, then you may want to set it to T!)
MD.NumCGsteps                   300
MD.MaxCGDispl                   0.2 Bohr                # Default value
MD.PreconditionVariableCell     5.0 Ang
MD.MaxForceTol                  0.01 eV/Ang             # Default value

#Output options#
#WriteCoorStep                  T                       # Writes
coordinates to standard output.
WriteMDhistory                  T                       # Writes .MD
and .MDE files for making animations.
#WriteForces                    T                       # Writes
forces to standard output.
WriteDM                         T                       # Writes
density matrix to .DM file.
WriteEigenvalues                F                       # Writes the
eigenvalues for the sampling k points to .EIG file.
WriteMDXmol                     T                       # Creates a
.ANI file for making animations directly with XMOL.
WriteCoorXmol                   T                       # Writes a .xyz file 
readable by XMOL.
WriteCoorCerius                 T                       # Writes a .xtl file 
readable by CERIUS.

WriteDenchar                    T                       # Writes the .PLD and 
files to be used with DENCHAR tool.

UseSaveData                     T
DM.UseSaveDM                    T # Use the .DM file from a coarser
kpoint calculation to obtain PDOS for a denser kgrid in a second step.
ON.UseSaveLWF                   T
MD.UseSaveXV                    T
MD.UseSaveCG                    T
%include POSITIONS.fdf

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