How do you want to read it?

In sisl there is a recent addition which allows you to iterate the values
in the file

#### python
import sisl as si
wfsx = si.get_sile("file.WFSX")
for es in wfsx.yield_eigenstate():
    print(es, es.shape)

This lets you use the values in the file, if needed :)
Then you can parse it as needed, for instance es.state gives you the
coefficients of the eigenstates.

Den lør. 4. jul. 2020 kl. 22.04 skrev Medondjio Linda <>:

> Dear Siesta user,
> I would like to  generate a readable file from
> 'systemlabel.selected.WFSX' . I have changed the name into WFSX.
> I used the following command line to go back to the old format as stated
> in the siesta manual :
> siesta-4.1-b4/Util/WFS/wfsx2wfs  WFSX.
> I am running the following command:
> /SIESTA/siesta-4.1-b4/Util/WFS/readwfx WFS
> But nothing is happening(No file is being generated, no message is
> displayed on my terminal)
> Thank you in advance.
> Linda
> --
> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

Kind regards Nick
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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