I don't know if you did it correctly. A plot does not show this! But from
what you describe it sounds correct to me.

However, it seems that you have a dipole in the system, i.e. you should add
the dipole correction for this calculation.

Den lør. 3. okt. 2020 kl. 11.19 skrev Harkishan Dua <hdua.p...@gmail.com>:

> Dear sir,
> I have generated the data set  (VH_z.dat file) for my structure using SISL
> and generated its plot using gnuplot. And from that plot, I have taken
> points 1 and 2 (given in the 1.5.png file) for calculating the
> potential difference for my structure. But the potential difference that i
> am getting is very small. So, could you please tell me if I am going in the
> right direction?
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 6:56 PM Nick Papior <nickpap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How did you do it? How were your unit conversions etc.?
>> Remember that sisl automatically converts to eV and Ang when reading
>> siesta files.
>> Den man. 21. sep. 2020 kl. 15.22 skrev Harkishan Dua <hdua.p...@gmail.com
>> >:
>>> We are working on a system similar to the paper attached. In the paper
>>> it can be seen in Figure 1.(b) (page 15328) the potential plot where the
>>> potential difference is visible. and with that they have made the Table 1
>>> (page 15331) where they have taken the potential difference in volts.
>>> In our work, we are creating the potential plots using SISL,
>>> But in our work, even though we are getting potential difference which
>>> is very small to be seen directly from the graph, yet when we convert it
>>> into volts, we get a very large number. please help me with my doubt
>>> Regards
>>> Harkishan Dua
>>> PhD student
>>> Department of Physics
>>> Assam University Silchar.
>>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 12:24 PM Nick Papior <nickpap...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Den søn. 6. sep. 2020 kl. 16.36 skrev Harkishan Dua <
>>>> hdua.p...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Dear sir,
>>>>> I am trying to generate the potential plot for monolayer CdS and
>>>>> Bilayer CdS systems using sisl. and with that I am getting the plots of 
>>>>> the
>>>>> ones I have attached with this mail.There are some queries that I wished 
>>>>> to
>>>>> clarify:
>>>>> 1. As both structures are planar Z coordinates are fixed for all the
>>>>> atoms. So how I am getting potential for variation of Z near the proximity
>>>>> of the regions where the atoms reside. As these are regions of empty 
>>>>> space.
>>>> The plot you show is just the potential with respect to Z coordinate.
>>>> So your atoms Z-coordinate can be directly transferred to this plot.
>>>>> 2. When measuring distance between the two dips we are getting
>>>>> slightly different values than that of the  interlayer distance of the
>>>>> structure. As per my knowledge these two values should be the same.
>>>>> I will be glad if you help me in this regard.
>>>> What does "slightly different" mean? The real-space grid is not
>>>> infinitely precise, and so each voxel (3D box) occupies a finite space
>>>> resulting in a finite discretization of the potential/density. I think
>>>> you'll find that the voxel spacing (along Z) should correspond nicely with
>>>> your mismatch.
>>>>> Attached with this email are the plots for CdS monolayer and Bilayer
>>>>> systems.
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 2:11 PM Boubacar Traore <bt.bouba...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Nick for this update on sisl :-)
>>>>>> On Tue, 1 Sep 2020 at 22:00, Nick Papior <nickpap...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> In this it seems you don't need the filtering that macroave is
>>>>>>> capable of.
>>>>>>> In that case you can use sisl to create the data for you.
>>>>>>> The command would be something like this:
>>>>>>> sgrid siesta.VH --average 0 --average 1 --out VH_z.dat
>>>>>>> which will write a 2 column data file with z coordinates (in Ang) as
>>>>>>> the first and the plane-averaged potential in the 2nd column (in eV). 
>>>>>>> Note
>>>>>>> this is accessible in the latest sisl development, so you'll need to
>>>>>>> install the development version (
>>>>>>> http://zerothi.github.io/sisl/docs/latest/installation.html#development-version
>>>>>>> ).
>>>>>>> The macroave calculations have only recently been added (by an
>>>>>>> external contributor, see https://github.com/zerothi/sisl/pull/230),
>>>>>>> but we haven't made a tutorial for this yet. ;)
>>>>>>> Den man. 31. aug. 2020 kl. 22.00 skrev Boubacar Traore <
>>>>>>> bt.bouba...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to generate the potential plot using macroave and for
>>>>>>>>> that I have taken the .XV file and made it to run it with the
>>>>>>>>> macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file. But there are some queries that I have not understood regarding 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file. And I would be very glad if any one could help me in this 
>>>>>>>>> regard.
>>>>>>>> It's the .VH file that is needed  in your case.
>>>>>>>>> 1. In the fourth line of macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file we need to mention how many step functions we need to smooth. 
>>>>>>>>> And I am
>>>>>>>>> working on a bilayer system so I wish to know whether I should take 
>>>>>>>>> surface
>>>>>>>>> or interface calculation in this regard (appeded below is the fdf 
>>>>>>>>> file of
>>>>>>>>> the calculation that I am running). What would be the case for 
>>>>>>>>> trilayer
>>>>>>>>> system?
>>>>>>>> Your bi-layer system consists of layers of the same type. So,
>>>>>>>> "surface" should do the job. "Interface" is for heterstructures or
>>>>>>>> hetero-layers with different materials. Anyway, you may try both and 
>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>> the difference.
>>>>>>>>> 2. In the Fifth and Sixth line of macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file we need to mention the width of the two functions like planar 
>>>>>>>>> lattice
>>>>>>>>> spacing. I am not able to understand what quantity it is asking. 
>>>>>>>>> Should I
>>>>>>>>> specify the the interlayer distance? what should be these values for 
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>> input given below? What would be the case for multilayer system? and 
>>>>>>>>> if the
>>>>>>>>> system has buckling, then how should I chose these values?
>>>>>>>> What macroave does is nothing but averaging the potential/density
>>>>>>>> in the plane and filtering it out  let's say along z-direction.  The 
>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>> functions ( for interface) or one function (for surface) are for the
>>>>>>>> filtering purpose. In the filtering step, macroave performs 
>>>>>>>> convolutions.
>>>>>>>> The length is about the unit cell length or cell period along z. See 
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> reference paper of Junquera et al. for more detail:
>>>>>>>> 10.1088/0953-8984/19/21/213203
>>>>>>>> <https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/19/21/213203>
>>>>>>>>> 3.In the 7th line, of macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file we need to specify the number of electrons in the slab. Here I 
>>>>>>>>> wanted
>>>>>>>>> to know that suppose I am working on a carbon based bilayer system, 
>>>>>>>>> do I
>>>>>>>>> need to take the valence electrons or all the 6 electrons and 
>>>>>>>>> multiply it
>>>>>>>>> with the number of carbon atoms on each layer?
>>>>>>>> Yes, but in carbon you have 4 valence electrons. Remember that this
>>>>>>>> is important only when you use macroave with charge densities (.RHO 
>>>>>>>> file);
>>>>>>>> it is used for normalization. To get the total number of electrons, 
>>>>>>>> you can
>>>>>>>> also do :
>>>>>>>> grep "Total number of electrons" SystemLabel.out
>>>>>>>> 4. And  in running the macroave calculation, I am getting two
>>>>>>>>> generated files with the calculation with extensions MAV and PAV. 
>>>>>>>>> what is
>>>>>>>>> the difference between macroscopic average and the planar average 
>>>>>>>>> files?
>>>>>>>> PAV : is the averaged density/potential in the plane of the system
>>>>>>>> along z.
>>>>>>>> MAV : is the filtered  or nano smoothed density/potential along z.
>>>>>>>> Here, the oscillatory part is removed and the filter functions are 
>>>>>>>> used for
>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Boubacar
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 29 Aug 2020 at 20:56, Harkishan Dua <hdua.p...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear sir/ma'am
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to generate the potential plot using macroave and for
>>>>>>>>> that I have taken the .XV file and made it to run it with the
>>>>>>>>> macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file. But there are some queries that I have not understood regarding 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file. And I would be very glad if any one could help me in this 
>>>>>>>>> regard.
>>>>>>>>> 1. In the fourth line of macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file we need to mention how many step functions we need to smooth. 
>>>>>>>>> And I am
>>>>>>>>> working on a bilayer system so I wish to know whether I should take 
>>>>>>>>> surface
>>>>>>>>> or interface calculation in this regard (appeded below is the fdf 
>>>>>>>>> file of
>>>>>>>>> the calculation that I am running). What would be the case for 
>>>>>>>>> trilayer
>>>>>>>>> system?
>>>>>>>>> 2. In the Fifth and Sixth line of macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file we need to mention the width of the two functions like planar 
>>>>>>>>> lattice
>>>>>>>>> spacing. I am not able to understand what quantity it is asking. 
>>>>>>>>> Should I
>>>>>>>>> specify the the interlayer distance? what should be these values for 
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>> input given below? What would be the case for multilayer system? and 
>>>>>>>>> if the
>>>>>>>>> system has buckling, then how should I chose these values?
>>>>>>>>> 3.In the 7th line, of macroave.in
>>>>>>>>> <https://protection.puc.rediris.es/fmlurlsvc/?fewReq=:B:JVw4MzE7OCR0PzMsMiRrZj8yMzgyMyRxa2VsY3Z3cGc/MWY1YTA6YDJjY2dnM2EwZ2MyNzEwZzY0Z2EzZ2YwZDRnNDMyMjRkNyR2PzM3Ozo6NDE6NzUkc2tmPzI1VDprZ0xvMjM1NjoxLzI1VDprZ0xtMjM1NjoxJHBhcnY/cWtncXZjL25Cd2NvLGdxJGE/OzI=&url=http%3a%2f%2fmacroave.in>
>>>>>>>>> file we need to specify the number of electrons in the slab. Here I 
>>>>>>>>> wanted
>>>>>>>>> to know that suppose I am working on a carbon based bilayer system, 
>>>>>>>>> do I
>>>>>>>>> need to take the valence electrons or all the 6 electrons and 
>>>>>>>>> multiply it
>>>>>>>>> with the number of carbon atoms on each layer?
>>>>>>>>> 4. And  in running the macroave calculation, I am getting two
>>>>>>>>> generated files with the calculation with extensions MAV and PAV. 
>>>>>>>>> what is
>>>>>>>>> the difference between macroscopic average and the planar average 
>>>>>>>>> files?
>>>>>>>>> appended below is the fdf file
>>>>>>>>>  # System Descriptor
>>>>>>>>>  SystemName Au-m-GGA
>>>>>>>>>  SystemLabel   Au-m-GGA
>>>>>>>>>  NumberOfAtoms                36
>>>>>>>>>  NumberOfSpecies               1
>>>>>>>>>  %block Chemical_Species_Label
>>>>>>>>>  1      6     C
>>>>>>>>>  %endblock Chemical_Species_Label
>>>>>>>>>  %block PAO.BasisSizes
>>>>>>>>> C       DZP
>>>>>>>>>  %endblock PAO.BasisSizes
>>>>>>>>>  AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
>>>>>>>>>  AtomicCoorFormatOut     Ang
>>>>>>>>>  %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>>>>>>>>>     2.73256850    4.73073748    8.34901293   1       1  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.33859744    0.58458484    8.34912362   1       2  C
>>>>>>>>>    -0.85804026    2.65775355    8.34874884   1       3  C
>>>>>>>>>     3.92917251    2.65751886    8.34898485   1       4  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.73233932    0.58476470    8.34903393   1       5  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.33877634    4.73053116    8.34871091   1       6  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82428376    1.42604781    9.53348231   1       7  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.11321792    2.65772943    9.53337950   1       8  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.95787834    2.65763647    9.53348398   1       9  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24672706    1.42590432    9.53355328   1      10  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82436502    3.88944295    9.53333025   1      11  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24666573    3.88939178    9.53337329   1      12  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82483542    3.88883163    7.16411390   1      13  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24657899    3.88894521    7.16435350   1      14  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24653140    1.42631958    7.16432757   1      15  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.95739219    2.65752906    7.16429019   1      16  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.11396438    2.65763067    7.16415136   1      17  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82463967    1.42629661    7.16443629   1      18  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.73291473    4.73053968   14.14109530   1      19  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.33894801    0.58439532   14.14115704   1      20  C
>>>>>>>>>    -0.85769340    2.65763741   14.14124979   1      21  C
>>>>>>>>>     3.92955252    2.65738270   14.14146264   1      22  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.73272063    0.58460272   14.14145918   1      23  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.33914193    4.73040180   14.14121034   1      24  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82486919    1.42621461   15.32582034   1      25  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.11415085    2.65758543   15.32595201   1      26  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.95757515    2.65747612   15.32604007   1      27  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24668741    1.42628537   15.32605337   1      28  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82500484    3.88880084   15.32591913   1      29  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24685285    3.88886448   15.32578554   1      30  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82480401    3.88921354   12.95669401   1      31  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24717950    3.88910615   12.95674799   1      32  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.24716059    1.42567539   12.95683394   1      33  C
>>>>>>>>>     2.95832448    2.65739945   12.95681228   1      34  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.11365578    2.65750271   12.95674170   1      35  C
>>>>>>>>>     0.82477007    1.42578489   12.95679594   1      36  C
>>>>>>>>>  %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>>>>>>>>>  LatticeConstant    1.00 Ang
>>>>>>>>>  %block LatticeVectors
>>>>>>>>>         6.138500    0.000081    0.000273
>>>>>>>>>        -3.068830    5.316279   -0.000326
>>>>>>>>>         0.001847   -0.001238   22.490288
>>>>>>>>>  %endblock LatticeVectors
>>>>>>>>>   %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
>>>>>>>>>  10   0   0 0.0
>>>>>>>>>  0   10   0 0.0
>>>>>>>>>  0    0   2 0.0
>>>>>>>>>  %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
>>>>>>>>>  XC.functional           VDW
>>>>>>>>>  XC.authors              LMKLL
>>>>>>>>>  SpinPolarized           .true.
>>>>>>>>>  MeshCutoff              320. Ry
>>>>>>>>>  MaxSCFIterations        300
>>>>>>>>>  DM.MixingWeight         0.05
>>>>>>>>>  DM.Tolerance            5.d-5
>>>>>>>>>  DM.NumberPulay          5
>>>>>>>>>  SolutionMethod          diagon
>>>>>>>>>  ElectronicTemperature   300 K
>>>>>>>>>  MD.TypeOfRun            cg
>>>>>>>>>  MD.VariableCell         .true.
>>>>>>>>>  MD.NumCGsteps           800
>>>>>>>>>  MD.MaxForceTol          0.01 eV/Ang
>>>>>>>>>  WriteCoorInitial
>>>>>>>>>  WriteCoorStep
>>>>>>>>>  WriteCoorXmol           .true.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteKpoints            .true.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteEigenvalues        .true.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteKbands             .true.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteBands              .true.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteMullikenPop        1
>>>>>>>>>  WriteMDCoorXmol         .false.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteMDhistory          .false.
>>>>>>>>>  DM.UseSaveDM
>>>>>>>>>  MD.UseSaveXV            .true.
>>>>>>>>>  SaveRho
>>>>>>>>>  SaveDeltaRho
>>>>>>>>>  SaveElectrostaticPotential .true.
>>>>>>>>>  WriteSiestaDim          .true.
>>>>>>>>>  SaveHS                  .true.
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 1:30 AM Boubacar Traore <
>>>>>>>>> bt.bouba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> For this,  you need to activate this tag "SaveElectrostaticPotential"
>>>>>>>>>> to true for siesta to generate the total electrostatic potential 
>>>>>>>>>> file named
>>>>>>>>>> SystemLabel.VH. Then you use siesta utility "macroave" from 
>>>>>>>>>> Util/macroave
>>>>>>>>>> directory to plot the variation of the potential along the layers.
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Boubacar
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 22:00, Harkishan Dua <hdua.p...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Sir/Ma’am
>>>>>>>>>>> I am new to siesta, and I wish to find the variation of
>>>>>>>>>>> potential in a bilayer system with respect to the distance between 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> layers. Could you please tell me how I can do that with siesta? I 
>>>>>>>>>>> wish to
>>>>>>>>>>> generate a plot similar to the one attached along with this mail 
>>>>>>>>>>> which was
>>>>>>>>>>> reported in the paper
>>>>>>>>>>> https://doi.org/10.1021/jp403706e
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by
>>>>>>>>>>> the European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.max-centre.eu/)
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by
>>>>>>>>>> the European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.max-centre.eu/)
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
>>>>>>>> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Kind regards Nick
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
>>>>>>> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)
>>>> --
>>>> Kind regards Nick
>> --
>> Kind regards Nick

Kind regards Nick
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

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