Dear Prof. Papio,

When using the CG style minimization on a structure in SIESTA, the cell
vectors which are initially aligned at 90 degrees to one another experience
slight variations. Is there a way to restrain this variation and ensure
that the lattice vectors remain perpendicular to one another at the end of
the relaxation?

I am working on Si nanowires, and always keep a 15A vacuum in the
non-periodic directions. My final requirement is to use the SIESTA
calculation with BoltzTraP2, but that package fails if the k-grid is not
built on lattice vectors which are not perpendicular to one another (an
issue that I am working on to correct if possible).

Thank you
Best regards
Pasan Henadeera
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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