Hello Alberto,

Here it is the info about the SIESTA version:

*Siesta Version  : siesta-max-R3--710-676-597Architecture    :
unknownCompiler version: ifort (IFORT) 20200306Compiler flags  :
mpifort -fPIC -O2 -march=core-avx2 -axCore-AVX512 -fp-model precisePP flags
      : libncdf.a libfdict.a -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,--start-group
-lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64
-lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Bdynamic -lnetcdffPARALLEL
versionNetCDF supportNetCDF-4 supportNetCDF-4 MPI-IO support*

And here is the output section:

*siesta: Final energy (eV):siesta:  Band Struct. =   -8272.290139siesta:
    Kinetic =   19960.524774siesta:       Hartree =  151423.860682siesta:
    Eldau   =       0.000000siesta:       Eso     =       0.000000siesta:
 Ext. field =       0.000000siesta:       Enegf   =       0.000000siesta:
Exch.-corr. =  -11180.064205siesta:  Ion-electron = -320401.282309siesta:
    Ion-ion =  129282.468462siesta:       Ekinion =       0.000000siesta:
      Total =  -30914.492596siesta:         Fermi =      -4.212218siesta:
Stress tensor (static) (eV/Ang**3):siesta:     0.000126    0.000000
-0.000000siesta:     0.000000    0.000101   -0.000049siesta:    -0.000000
-0.000049   -0.016465siesta: Cell volume =       7672.635004 Ang**3siesta:
Pressure (static):siesta:                Solid            Molecule
 Unitssiesta:           0.00005895          0.00005941  Ry/Bohr**3siesta:
        0.00541292          0.00545494  eV/Ang**3siesta:
8.67254766          8.73987328  kBar(Free)E+ p_basis*V_orbitals  =
 -30859.763440(Free)Eharris+ p_basis*V_orbitals  =      -30859.763491
 spin moment: S , {S} =    0.00000       0.0       0.0   0.00000siesta:
Electric dipole (a.u.)  =    0.000000    0.043246    0.000000siesta:
Electric dipole (Debye) =    0.000001    0.109919    0.000000Hirshfeld Net
Atomic Populations:Atom #    Qatom  Species     1    0.149  B
        2    0.149  B                       3    0.149  B
      4    0.149  B                       5   -0.149  N
 ...   155   -0.149  N                     156   -0.149  N
    157    0.149  B                     158    0.149  B
 159    0.149  B                     160    0.149  B
 Voronoi Net Atomic Populations:Atom #    Qatom  Species     1    0.167  B
                      2    0.167  B                       3    0.167  B
                  4    0.167  B                       5   -0.168  N
         ...   155   -0.168  N                     156   -0.168  N
            157    0.168  B                     158    0.168  B
        159    0.168  B                     160    0.168  B
 Bader Analysis core-charge setup. Radii (standard, H):  1.000 0.600dhscf:
Vacuum level (max, mean) =   -0.038479   -0.112800 eVsiesta: LDOS
infosiesta: E1 -- E2 [eV]:  -20.000 --    0.000Hirshfeld Net Atomic
Populations:Atom #    Qatom  Species     1    0.227  B
 2    0.227  B                       3    0.227  B                       4
   0.227  B                       5    0.888  N                  ...   155
   0.886  N                     156    0.885  N                     157
 0.227  B                     158    0.227  B                     159
 0.227  B                     160    0.227  B                  Voronoi Net
Atomic Populations:Atom #    Qatom  Species     1    0.119  B
        2    0.120  B                       3    0.120  B
      4    0.120  B                       5    0.996  N
 ...   155    0.993  N                     156    0.993  N
    157    0.119  B                     158    0.119  B
 159    0.119  B                     160    0.119  B                   >>
End of run:  10-NOV-2021  11:48:50Job completed*



On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 5:02 PM Alberto Garcia <alber...@icmab.es> wrote:

> Hi,
> I cannot reproduce your results. Which version of Siesta are you using?
> Can you show your output?
> The expected behavior is something like this (obtained with the 4.1 branch
> version):
> [...]
> siesta: Electric dipole (a.u.)  =   -0.000000    0.558297   -0.000000
> siesta: Electric dipole (Debye) =   -0.000000    1.419050   -0.000000
> Hirshfeld Net Atomic Populations:
> Atom #    Qatom  Species
>      1   -0.224  O
>      2    0.113  H
>      3    0.113  H
> Voronoi Net Atomic Populations:
> Atom #    Qatom  Species
>      1   -0.164  O
>      2    0.082  H
>      3    0.082  H
> Bader Analysis core-charge setup. Radii (standard, H):  1.000 0.600
> dhscf: Vacuum level (max, mean) =    0.636991   -0.068255 eV
> cite: Please see "h2o.bib" for an exhaustive BiBTeX file.
> [...]
> in which one gets two blocks, one for Voronoi and another one for
> Hirshfeld populations.
>   Alberto
> ----- El 14 de Junio de 2022, a las 22:18, I. Camps ica...@gmail.com
> escribió:
> | Hello,
> |
> | I set my input to calculate and export the charges using Voronoi, Bader
> and
> | Hirshfeld approaches.
> |
> | My output has at the end two sets, one after the energy
> decomposition/final
> | energy/etc. section, and then after some info about Bader/Vacuum
> level/LDOS
> | info.
> |
> | Both sets return different charges.
> |
> | My questions are:
> | - Why two sets of charges?
> | - Which one is the "good" one?
> |
> | []'s,
> |
> | Camps
> |
> |
> | --
> | SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European
> | H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)
> --
> SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the
> European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

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