Dear All,

I am finding some issues in doing anneal calculations.

I am heating some VO2 in the T range 100-120K within 1500 steps and with a
timestep of 0.5 fs and with +U correction for Ti d orbitals.

I submit the job which ends in 24 hrs (walltime of the machine) after ~1000
Then I restart it, expecting ~500 steps more to accomplish the duty.

But actually, even if the job restarts properly (from .XV and other saved
data) it runs a lot longer (it actually redoes the same 1000 steps in 24
hrs).  Where am I wrong?
I am using the following parallel version with ELSI implementation with
("+U" for metallic ions)

Whatever the value of " MD.FinalTimeStep" I specify in the fdf, restarting
the job I notice that the steps calculated in the previous run are totally
neglected ( the number of  MD.FinalTimeStep turns to be pretty larger than
that specified in the fdf file)

Siesta Version  : MaX-1.2.1
Architecture    : Master-template
Compiler version: GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.4.0
Compiler flags  : mpif90 -O2

This the fdf section related to Anneal

MD.TypeOfRun       Anneal
MD.AnnealOption    TemperatureAndPressure
MD.LengthTimeStep       0.5 fs
MD.FinalTimeStep        1500
MD.InitialTemperature   100 K
MD.TargetTemperature    120 K
MD.TargetPressure       0. GPa
MD.TauRelax  200 fs

This other tags

solution-method elsi
elsi-solver elpa
number-of-eigenstates -50
elsi-elpa-gpu 1
elsi-elpa-flavor 2           # Either 1 or 2;  2 is better
elsi-output-level 3          # (Optional) for verbosity

WriteDM           .true.

MD.UseSaveXV .true.

PAO.BasisSize DZP
PAO.EnergyShift  0.01 Ry

%block LDAU.proj
V   1                # number of shells of projectors
n=3    2             #  n, l
0.75 0.00               # U(eV), J(eV)
0.000    0.000       # rc, \omega (if zero default values are taken)
%endblock LDAU.proj

this the .MDE file

# Step     T (K)     E_KS (eV)    E_tot (eV)   Vol (A^3)    P (kBar)
     1    250.02 -116947.36381 -116936.92542    3301.123      14.302
     2    249.64 -116947.35021 -116936.92769    3301.833      13.943
  1020    261.50 -116928.47588 -116917.55842    3322.508      -1.376
  1021    262.22 -116928.46900 -116917.52153    3322.441      -1.225
# Step     T (K)     E_KS (eV)    E_tot (eV)   Vol (A^3)    P (kBar)
     1    262.91 -116928.45950 -116917.48331    3322.382      -1.056
     2    263.55 -116928.45138 -116917.44823    3322.330      -0.922
   684    298.91 -116876.87470 -116864.39549    3516.631      14.232
   685    298.57 -116876.85251 -116864.38742    3517.383      14.166

that is
1021+681=1702  which is pretty larger than the initially specified
MD.FinalTimeStep (1500)

I am really unable to figure out the origin of this behaviour and in this
sense I would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me.

Thanks in advance.
Very best,
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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