Dear Colleagues,

APNIC policies are determined by an open, transparent, and bottom-up
consensus-based Policy Development Process (PDP). Anybody can propose a
policy change, participate in the discussion of proposed changes, and
express their support or objection for any proposal.

This PDP begins when somebody submits a Policy Proposal, or a problem
statement to the APNIC Policy SIG Chairs. Once considered and accepted
by the SIG Chairs, the proposal must be posted to Policy SIG mailing
list at least four weeks before the APNIC 39 Policy SIG meeting in
Fukuoka, Japan on Thursday, 5 March 2015.

To be considered for consensus at the APNIC 39 OPM, policy proposals
must be submitted by Friday, 30 January 2015.

How to submit your Policy Proposal

There are two ways to submit a policy proposal to the Policy SIG Chairs:

1. Use the online form at:

2. Send your proposal in TEXT format to <>.

If you are unsure of the solution to your policy issue, whether your
policy idea has merit, or if it is covered by existing policy, you are
encouraged to complete only the Problem Statement part of your proposal.
The community can then assist in developing the best solution.

More information

Learn more about the APNIC Policy Sig:

How to participate in policy discussions:

APNIC's PDP is explained at:

View current and past policy proposals at:

We look forward to and encourage your participation in the APNIC PDP.

APNIC Policy SIG (Acting) Chair

*              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy           *
sig-policy mailing list

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