As an update:

Please note you can submit your papers at the URL below:


On 4/Jul/18 14:44, Mark Tinka wrote:
> Hello all.
> The SAFNOG-4/EANOG/tzNOG Programme Committee are now seeking
> contributions for Presentations and Tutorials for the
> SAFNOG-4/EANOG/tzNOG 2018 Conference.
> We are looking for presenters who would:
>     - Offer a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic;
>     - Participate in the technical conference sessions as a speaker;
>     - Convene and chair panel sessions of relevant topics.
>                                         *Conference Milestones*
>                     Call for Papers Opens                 Now
>                     Draft Program Published             As papers are
> confirmed
>                     Final Deadline for Submissions    10 September,
> 2018  
>                     Final Program Published             17 September, 2018
>                     Final Slides Received                  21
> September, 2018
> *Program Material*
> The SAFNOG-4/EANOG/tzNOG Conference Programme consists of two parts,
> these being the Tutorials and Conference Tracks.
> Topics proposed must be relevant to Internet Operations and Technologies:
>     - IPv4 / IPv6 Routing and Operations
>     - IPv6 deployment and transition technologies
>     - Internet backbone operations
>     - ISP and Carrier services
>     - IXPs and Peering
>     - Research on Internet Operations and Deployment
>     - Software Defined Networking / Network Function Virtualisaton
>     - Network security issues (NSP-SEC, DDoS, Anti-Spam, Anti-Malware)
>     - DNS / DNSSEC
>     - Internet policy (Security, Regulation, Content Management,
> Addressing, etc)
>     - Access and Transport Technologies, including Cable/DSL, LTE/5G,
> wireless, metro ethernet, fibre, segment routing
>     - Content & Service Delivery (Multicast, Voice, Video,
> "telepresence", Gaming) and Cloud Computing
> *CfP Submissions*
> Draft slides for both tutorials and conference sessions MUST be
> provided with CfP submissions otherwise the Programme Committee will
> be unable to review the submission. For avoidance of doubt this means
> that submissions which do not include slides will be rejected
> immediately. For work in progress, the most current information
> available at time of submission is acceptable.
> All draft and complete slides must be submitted in PDF format only
> Final slides are to be provided by the specified deadline for
> publication on the SAFNOG-4/EANOG/tzNOG websites.
> Prospective presenters should note that the majority of speaking slots
> will be filled well before the final submission deadline. The PC may,
> at their discretion, retain a limited number of slots up to the final
> submission deadline for presentations that are exceptionally timely,
> important, or of critical operational importance. Every year we turn
> away submissions, due to filling up all available programme slots
> before the deadline. Presenters should endeavour to get material into
> the PC sooner rather than later.
> Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the Programme
> Committee by e-mail at:
>                                             *pc-chairs at*
> We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals.
> Cheers,
> Mark Tinka
> On Behalf of the SAFNOG/EANOG/tzNOG Organizing Committee

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