Dear Colleagues,

I am Satoru Tsurumaki from Japan Open Policy Forum Steering Team.

I would like to share a feedback in our community for prop-128,
based on a meeting we organized on 12th Feb to discuss these proposals.

Substantial support expressed, subject to not deleting the
"it holds previously-allocated provider independent address space"
described in the current policy text.

* In this proposal, "it holds previously-allocated provider independent
address space" is erased. it should keep it in order to prevent unnecessary
application of AS number.

* In the case of IPv6, the NAT disappears and the global address is assigned
to all device in the organization. If each organization uses a PI address
that is not locked in to a upper provider, there is a great merit that
there is no need to procure the second transit.

*There are areas where have only one transit as pointed out by the proposer.
This proposal has the effect that policy conforms to the actual situation
as a result.

Best Regards,

Satoru Tsurumaki

2019年1月22日(火) 9:14 Bertrand Cherrier <>:

> Dear SIG members,
> The proposal "prop-128-v001: Multihoming not required for ASN" has been
> sent to the Policy SIG for review.
> It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 47 in
> Daejeon, South Korea on Wednesday, 27 February 2019.
> We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing list
> before the meeting.
> The comment period on the mailing list before an APNIC meeting is an
> important part of the policy development process. We encourage you to
> express your views on the proposal:
>    - Do you support or oppose this proposal?
>    - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so, tell
>    the community about your situation.
>    - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
>    - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
>    - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more
>    effective?
> Information about this proposal is available at:
> Regards
> Sumon, Bertrand, Ching-Heng
> APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
> ------------------------------
> prop-128-v001: Multihoming not required for ASN
> ------------------------------
> Proposers: Jordi Palet Martínez
> 1. Problem Statement
> When the ASN assignment policy was originally designed, the reliability
> of networks was not so good as today. So, at that time, it was making
> sense to make sure that and ASN holder is multihomed.
> However, today this is not necessarily a reasonable requirement, and
> even in some cases, some networks may require an ASN and not willing
> to be multihomed (because the cost, or remote locations that have only
> a single upstream, etc.), and their SLA requirements don’t need that
> redundancy.
> The deployment of IPv6 also increase the need for organizations which
> are not ISPs, to obtain IPv6 PI in order to have stable addresses,
> and in that situation, ideally, they should announce their PI space
> with their own ASN. In most cases, they don’t have to be multihomed.
> 2. Objective of policy change
> To ensure that organizations which have their own routing policy and
> the need to interconnect with other organizations, can do it.
> Interconnect is used here with the commonly understood meaning of
> establishing a connection between two (administratively) separate
> networks.
> 3. Situation in other regions
> ARIN and LACNIC don’t require multihoming. RIPE requires it. AfriNIC has
> a policy equivalent to APNIC, but I’m submitting a proposal similar to
> this one to change it as well as in the case of RIPE.
> 4. Proposed policy solution
> Current Policy text
> 12.1. Evaluation of eligibility
> An organization is eligible for an ASN assignment if:
> - it is currently multihomed, or
> - it holds previously-allocated provider independent address space and
> intends to multihome in the future.
> An organization will also be eligible if it can demonstrate that it will
> meet the above criteria upon receiving an ASN (or within a reasonably
> short time thereafter).
> Requests for ASNs under these criteria will be evaluated using the
> guidelines described in RFC1930 'Guidelines for the creation, selection
> and registration of an Autonomous System' (AS).
> Proposed text
> 12.1. Evaluation of eligibility
> An organization is eligible for an ASN assignment if:
> - it is multihomed or
> - has the need to interconnect with other AS.
> An organization will also be eligible if it can demonstrate that it will
> meet any
> of the above criteria upon receiving an ASN (or within a reasonably
> short time thereafter).
> Requests for ASNs under these criteria will be evaluated using the
> guidelines described in RFC1930 'Guidelines for the creation, selection
> and registration of
> an Autonomous System' (AS).
> 5. Advantages / Disadvantages
> Advantages:
> Fulfilling the objectives above indicated.
> Disadvantages:
> None foreseen.
> 6. Impact on resource holders
> None.
> 7. References
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