Hi all,

I have DDiscovery Alpha version working in my fork 

- Trigger support
- FPGA bitstream load
- Capture 8 Channels - 800MHz
- Capture 16 Channels - 400MHz
- Capture 32 Channels - 200MHz (work in progress)

Next steps:

- Voltage thresholds
- Pattern generator

If someone want to test it is necessary compile the libsigrok with DDiscovery 
support and copy the fpga firmware to sigrok-firmware 
(ddiscovery-dcfg-04-02-01.bit) folder.
In my case:

cp /usr/share/digilent/waveforms/firmware/DCFG_04_02_01.bit 

md5sum: 6be188731ba0c45aaea950f71a8b9544 

Here some screenshots


[Captura de pantalla de 2023-05-25 14-15-33.png]

Marc - BZ17 Development


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