I found out that the "list-serial" command makes it much easier to find the connection string. For the the UT-D09 USB/HID cable it looks as follows:

-- snip start --
> sigrok-cli --list-serial
Available serial/HID/BT/BLE ports:
  /dev/ttyS4    ttyS4
hid/cp2110/raw=/dev/hidraw4 HID Silicon Laboratories CP2110 HID USB-to-UART Bridge 0070E314 [10c4.ea80]
-- snip end --

The command to read samples then works as follows:

> sigrok-cli --driver uni-t-ut61e-ser:conn=hid/cp2110/raw=/dev/hidraw4 -O analog --samples 5

For the RS232 UT-D02 cable it looks as follows:

-- snip start --
sigrok-cli --list-serial
Available serial/HID/BT/BLE ports:
  /dev/ttyS4    ttyS4
  /dev/ttyUSB0  USB2.0-Ser!
-- snip end --

The command to read samples then works as follows:

> sigrok-cli --driver uni-t-ut61e-ser:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0 -O analog --samples 5

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