I am  sorry but I don't see documents for April 11 in the attachment.


Donna D. Murrell, Coordinator
Louisiana State Improvement Grant 2, LaSIG 2
Louisiana State University
225-803-8138 cell
225-342-3577 office
225-342-5297 fax
“The highest result of education is tolerance.”
Helen Keller

"Audrey Desjarlais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
04/10/2007 13:13 MST
Please respond to sigserve

To: <sigserve@lists.uoregon.edu>
bcc: Donna D Murrell/dmurre1/LSU
Subject: sigserve: Parent Involvement Topical Call 4/11/07

Greetings SIG/SPDG Directors and Evaluators!

This is a reminder that a JointDirectors/Evaluators Topical Call on Parent Involvement is scheduled for tomorrow, April 11 at 3:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Central / 1:00pm Mountain / 12:00noon Pacific. This is a 90 minute call with presenters: Brett Bollinger (IN SIG) and Julie Havill (Family Coordinator IN SIG); Debra Jennings (SPAN) and Peggy Thorpe (NJDOE); and Kerry Ottlinger (KS SIG) and Darla Nelson-Metzger (Families Together, Inc., KS). 

Please use this link to download presenter materials:


To get on the call, Dial 1-888-387-8686. You will be prompted for a room number which is: 346-0322#. Please press *6 to mute your line and *7 to unmute.

Audrey Desjarlais
SIGnetwork Team

Technical Assistance and Consulting Services
1268 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1268

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