Dear IRIS Family,

We are pleased to announce the expansion of our catalogue of Spanish-language 
resources. Three more of our STAR Legacy Modules--Using Learning Strategies, 
RTI (Part 3): Reading Instruction, and CSR: A Reading Comprehension 
Strategy--and a case study--Fostering Student Accountability--are now available 
in Spanish and can be found by clicking the En espaƱol button on the IRIS 
homepage or by accessing the IRIS Resource Locator. Be sure to stop by the IRIS 
Web site to check out all of our Spanish-language offerings.

Using Learning Strategies - This module features the Self-Regulated Strategy 
Development (SRSD) model, which outlines the six steps required to effectively 
implement any instructional strategy and emphasizes the time and effort 
required to do so. To access this module, go to

RTI (Part 3): Reading Instruction - This module illustrates different 
research-based reading strategies that may be used with the 
Response-to-Intervention model to improve reading skills. To access this 
module, go to

CSR: A Reading Comprehension Strategy - This module outlines Collaborative 
Strategic Reading (CSR), a strategy for helping students to improve their 
reading comprehension skills. To access this module, go to

Fostering Student Accountability - Through realistic classroom scenarios, this 
case study set introduces five key components of an effective accountability 
system and offers guidance on how to implement these strategies in a classroom 
setting. To access the case study, visit

As always, we encourage you to share all of our materials 
( with your colleagues and students. If you have any 
questions concerning IRIS materials, please contact Kim Skow at 800-831-6134,, or


The IRIS Center

The IRIS Center
for Training Enhancement
Vanderbilt University
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