Project Directors - Please forward to your grants/finance office. Thank


All grantees and payees who receive payments from ED must have their
DUNS and TIN numbers registered in CCR, the U.S. Federal Government's
primary registrant database, before March 31, 2010.  (I apologize if
this is a duplicate of other notices you've received on this topic.)  


In April 2010, ED's Grants Management System (G5) will begin disbursing
payments via the U.S. Department of Treasury rather than directly
through the Federal Reserve as in the past.   Registration is required
of the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number and Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN) in the Central Contractor Registration
(CCR).  As a result, all grantees and payees who receive payments from
ED must have their DUNS and TIN numbers registered in CCR, the U.S.
Federal Government's primary registrant database, before March 31, 2010.


A CCR for Grantees Webinar was conducted by ED's OCIO/Financial Systems
Services (FSS) on March 4, 2010, to prepare grantees and payees on the
new requirements to register their DUNS and TIN with the CCR database.
A recording of the webinar is available and  instructions for accessing
the CCR Webinar can be found under "News and Events" on the
website ( and as well as below:  


Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 with SP1 is required to open in
the format "Microsoft Office Live Meeting Replay."


1. Use link:

2. Enter your first and last name in the Your Name field 3. Click the
View Recording button 4. Enter your email address and your company name
5. Click the View Recording button 6. Select the icon under View for
Microsoft Office Live Meeting Replay 7. Wait for the recording to start.
Depending on how busy the server is, this could take a few minutes.


Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D.

Education Program Specialist

Office of Special Education Programs

550 12th St., SW, Rm 4097

Washington, DC 20202-2600


202-245-7619 (fax)


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