On 20/02/06, calvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My basic question comes down to this: the right to free speech has
> always been limited by the fact that the speaker would be forced to
> take the consequences of his speech. Calling someone a liar may get
> you sued for libel, for example. However, there doesn't seem any
> consequence for being gratuitously offensive against a religion.
> -- b
> You could:
>  * wait until the religious hatred law is passed then sue them in the UK
>  * kill the bastard (perfectly acceptable in some territories)
>  * invade Denmark (not illegal)

Yeah, it's ruled by bleeding heart liberals -- what's all this rot
about freedom of speech, anyway? We need regime-change over there.
Let's call Dubya.

-- b

PS: Any oil in Denmark?


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