Near BMS..

Kamat Bugle Rock
serving jolada rotti meals, on the roof top
with the local traditional musicians signing up for playing
Each day of the week has a theme..

Sometimes it drizzles and sometimes there are flowers
falling off the tall trees next door
onto the open center between musicians and the tables

Khamat: one can just go there to pull up a chair and listen too.

On 2/1/07, Venkat Mangudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Biju Chacko wrote:
> easy to miss. The food there tends to finish quickly, so before 9am or
> between 4pm and 6pm are the best times to go.
This seems to have changed... The last time I ate there was around 11am
on a weekday and the idlis were still piping hot.

Another great place for Idlis used to be SLV across from BMS College of
Bull Temple road. I understand that they are now not so good. Ahh...
those Sonata days were good... their chutney was eminently drinkable. ;-)



Dinesh,, +9180 26762963

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