On Wednesday 01 Aug 2007 7:12 pm, Gautam John wrote:
> Schoolchildren in developing countries will
> start receiving the remarkable computer from October onwards.

I worry about this.

Last month, my wife and I met the parents of a 6 or 7 year old boy. We have 
known the child since he was about 2 and his parents proudly told us that his 
new (upmarket, expensive) school has given each child a laptop. And the boy 
proudly showed us his possession - an admittedly small and light affair which 
apparently will be used exclusively to handle two subjects.

But I am not at all sure of many things. Even if I assume that the laptop is 
merely a notebook/pencil/textbook combined in a compact space, I worry about 
things like handwriting, motor skills issues and RSI that little growing 
hands might get. Nobody really  knows what will happen as far as my knowledge 
goes but this is being promoted like the greatest thing since the printing 

A computer can open up vast new vistas (pun unintended), but can be 
restricting in other ways. Creativity and art result from motor activity 
associated with pencil and paper, and the relative permanence of something 
that is written on paper lends itself to sharing in a manner that is 
different from information in a computer.

I think there are so many unanswered questions that I see this as a new drug 
or medicine that is being tried out without any longterm testing. My kids are 
too old for this - but I would be very concerned if they had been much 


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