On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 10:57:36AM +0530, Biju Chacko wrote:

> At that point, other advantages come into play. For the man on the
> street, let's face it, software is just a tool. Choices should be made
> based on what the best tool for job is.

Somebody make Redmond play fair, then. It's not like they didn't
a lot of bullying and backstabbing to get where they are, so why
the kid gloves? It's only fair if things eventually come
around, and it's them who're squealing.

I wish I could ignore them, but I'm faced to deal daily with 
their crap, which is a direct result of business-types ignoramuses.
Even developers don't make the connection why their stuff
runs on one OS fine, and craps out on the other.

And don't tell me I have a choice of making a career in FOSS.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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