On 11/6/07, Madhu M Kurup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm:
> Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> >
> > But I'd have figured someone with a gnu.org address would be able to
> figure
> > out how to unsub from a mailman list .. oh well.
> >
> Time to confess up, I recently went through an email address change and
> for the life of me could not find the original mail/monthly mail from
> mailman either.  I caved in and emailed the admin(s). It didn't occur to
> me that the headers would have any info ... FWIW.
> Cheerio,
> M
> --

I do have the same problem. I have a  catchall address for my domain and use
different names to subscribe to different lists hoping to cut off spam. The
assumption is that I can simply delete the address when I detect it is
getting spam. I often find out who is spamming from the address.  For
example if I have an account with bank Blah-blah I would use the address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Now when I get spam mail addressed to blah-blah I
know the guilty culprit. My hit rate has been extremely low till date and I
have started depending more on gmail to detect spam

 A side effect is that  sometimes I forget what email I used and get lost if
this is needed for any reason (such as authentication or password forgotten)


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