A snippet from a mail received from Simon Singh [1], whom some of the folks here will remember [2].

I suspect these sorts of skirmishes will become both more common and more virulent in the short term as BigOil tries to squeeze the last vestiges of profit out of the machine.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Singh
[2] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/silk-list/message/14385

Last year I also managed to get into a spat about the terrible Channel Four documentary entitled ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ – this has now been broadcast around the world and is still very influential. If you want to know the real truth about this documentary, then I would strongly recommend visiting:
And if you want to get up to speed on the issue of global warming, then I would suggest reading ‘Hot Topic’ by David King and Gabrielle Walker, which I reviewed for the Sunday Telegraph.

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