Speaking as a foreign entrepreneur...

"Gautam John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> http://seekingalpha.com/article/76511-where-are-indias-innovative-companies-products-and-solutions
> According to the article, the missing ingredients required to
> jump-start India's innovation ecosystem are;

...my single biggest fear of doing business in India is the amount of

This is especially in terms of labor law. In New York, I can fire
any employee at any time for nearly any reason, as a result of which
one can take risks on hiring people. (At least India isn't as bad in
this regard as France, where it is remarkable that anyone hires
employees at all.)

I ran a startup company for a while, and I rarely if ever had to think
about regulations other than dealing with taxation. In most of Europe,
this would be impossible, so I would never try to start a company
there. There are similar issues in India, though I am less familiar
with the details. On the few occasions when I looked, however, I
rapidly concluded I was better off not trying to learn more.

>    4. A Comprehensive Understanding of the Indian Consumer and the
> lack of formal Government support to promote Entrepreneurship and
> Innovation.

There is just about no government support for entrepreneurship in the
US, which is why we have a lot of it.

>    5. Establishing Compelling Reasons to Innovate.
> Quite safely, one can say that 5 exists and as for 4, the less
> government 'support' the better, yes?

Perry E. Metzger                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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