Gosh... I'm overwhelmed.

I am getting many more suggestions than I can fit into one or two paragraphs, but if anyone has any other ideas please keep going. It's all very interesting and maybe I can write something separately, getting more specifically into the subject.

Deepa wrote:

> Giancarlo, I have been of no help whatsoever,
> but I am having a lot of fun!

All the suggestions are helpful, in one way or another, regardless of whether I shall actually use them in this book. And, in any case, I am having a lot of fun too. :)

Suresh wrote:

> There's random stuff like you describe in the Arabian Nights,
> and in various other eastern folklore.

I am sure there is, though I don't seem to remember anything that fits. But I can't really re-read a thousand and one stories... any examples coming to mind?

Thank you all.  And I hope this thread can go one for a while.


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