I did help run an online petition campaign when Avnish Bajaj was arrested for the "Delhi schoolgirl fellatio video advertised on eBay India" thing which got a few thousand signatures, which then made the news, and he was then released, and the IT Act was implemented more knowledgably in a few places, Cybercrime cells were set up etc.

I am not sure however of any cause-effect relationship :-)

Certainly there was heightened awareness all around.

I certainly do believe in the power of online petitions, though, as part of a broader campaign - especially if you can use the petitions to make it to the traditional news.

My $0.02,


On 09-Nov-2009, at 10:17 AM, Abhijit Menon-Sen <a...@toroid.org> wrote:

Does anyone have examples of online petitions addressed to a Government body (e.g. the PMO) that have been taken note of and acted upon? Did the number of signatures make a difference? Are there any government bodies
that routinely take such petitions seriously?

-- ams

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