At 2010-04-20 07:55:19 +0530, wrote:
> ams - with respect may I point out that it was you who first raised a
> strawman about "lack of Hindu violence" on this thread which you tried
> to knock down subsequently. 

Sure, go ahead. It would be churlish of me to deny you the pleasure of
typing "strawman" a few more times.

> It only comes out of people who are sensitive and defensive about
> being associated with Hindus while being afraid of being mistaken
> for one of them.

(Lesser beings, in other words?)

It is absurd to look at a religion in isolation from the people who
practice it. It is absurd, when someone mentions religiously-motivated
violence, to say that the religion is one thing and what people choose
to do is something else entirely, and that followers of other religions
do the same kinds of things anyway.

Because of Hinduism's Frankenstein's-monster (i.e. patchwork) nature, it
makes even less sense to claim it's "tolerant" than it does to say Islam
is "peaceful", and there's plenty of intolerance and violence of various
kinds on display if you look beyond the buzzwords.

TL;DR: strawman strawman strawman burn burn burn

-- ams

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