On Thursday 07 Oct 2010 8:49:01 pm Mahesh Murthy wrote:
> I really don't know which particular time-space continuum you reside in but
> in the one that seems to be surrounding most everyone in this country, a
>  lot of change has happened,

You dont really need this to buttress your argument Mahesh.This is a 
rhetorical browinie point that you do not have to score if you are sure of 
what you are trying to tell me. It serves only to fluff up your post with 
material that adds no meaning to what you may be trying to say about the 
subject by changing the subject to where you think I reside.

Do my views upset you so much? Don't take it that hard sir. People are allowed 
to have different views. And people are allowed to disagree with me as much as 
I disagree with your views, Where either of us resides  mentally or physically 
is irrelevant.



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