On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Venkat Mangudi <s...@venkatmangudi.com> wrote:
> Cheeni is coming to India next week. Tweeple generally agreed to catch
> up. It appears everyone has agreed to meet on the 14th, which happens to
> be a Tuesday. Udhay has volunteered me to get this rolling, so here
> goes. Show of hands please, if you are attending.
> 1. Cheeni


Venkat, and also Gabin, Udhay, others, thanks for proposing and setting this up.

Sadly I won't be in Bangalore then, I will be in India for nearly a
month starting the 13th, but almost entirely (as things stand) in
Madras. My father is scheduled for eye surgery, so I'll mostly be
unable to travel anywhere out of the city and be helping out, but if
you are in Madras I'm surely going to have the time for a dinner or
drinks, and will definitely be needing the diversion.


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