On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Alaric Snell-Pym
<ala...@snell-pym.org.uk> wrote:
> What do you folks think about Bitcoin? It looks interesting, in that
> it's a digital currency with no trusted third parties, and all the
> "rules" (such as: you can't just print your own money) enforced by the
> fact that only transactions which the majority of computers in the
> system accept get considered "accepted" globally.

I don't know much about BitCoin, but my initial thoughts were that
this is unenforceable as an alternative monetary standard without a
global power behind it. The US dollar effectively left the Gold
standard to adopt the Nuke standard. Anyone who desires an alternative
global standard currency will have to challenge the military supremacy
of the powers that be.

I'll be interested when Bitcoin acquires Nukes :-)


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