On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:42 PM, ss <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That is the most laughable bullshit being foisted on Indians. You train a guy
> to do high tech medicine and ask him to treat people in a primary health
> center where te budget is Rs 50 per patient per year (or some such silly
> figure) it's not going to happen.

Isn't that exactly what the Bachelor of Rural Medicine degrees were
intended to solve?


It's fairly uncontroversial to say that India has witnessed a gradual
and at times even precipitous dilution of academic standards
concomitant with the rise in the number of institutions granting
advanced degrees. Instead of questioning the validity of this trend,
the country treats these graduates as truly qualified for the roles
they've been ill trained for.

If MBBS graduates are anything like the engineering graduates that the
country produces they will barely be equipped to work in a primary
health care center for their preliminary years. I don't see the
problem in devaluing the MBBS degree to the functional equivalent of a
BRMS degree.


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