On Mar 17, 2013, at 11:13 AM, Shoba Narayan <sh...@shobanarayan.com> wrote:

>>> ing happiness possible. 
>> For decades I have insisted that happiness is inside the head, between
>> one's ears.
>> Over 20 years ago when I used to live in the UK I found Indians who had
>> achieved their dream of leading a wealthy life abroad lamenting that
>> they wanted to go back to India. There were whiny and unhappy. 
>> I was planning on going back to India anyway, but did not want to regret
>> that I did not try something that I could have done. I had decided
>> against the US simply because I had medical qualifications from India
>> and the UK and had no intention of requalifying in the US at an age when
>> I could be teaching my "teachers" something. 
>> I decided to check out Canada. For me the "checking out" route meant
>> buying a practice and what was available was a practice in the town of
>> Wadena (pop 1000), Saskatchewan.I visited Bangalore briefly before going
>> to Canada. In Bangalore I happened to meet the mother of a young man
>> living in Saskatoon who instantly (and very kindly) arranged for me to
>> use his home as base while I checked out Wadena, 60 odd miles away. She
>> spoke glowingly of her son and his wife. They had double of everything.
>> Two cars. Two TVs. Two whatnots. Four bathrooms. This was 1989. 
>> In February 1989 I flew out to Toronto and thence to Saskatoon. I flew
>> Wardair that served their food in Wedgwood crockery, and went out of
>> business in a year or so. The temperature in Saskatoon was -20
>> centigrade. My breath was freezing on my moustache. People who parked
>> cars at the airport did not turn off their engines. Cheap oil. The
>> couple I stayed with were very warm and hospitable. But they lamented
>> that they wanted to be back in India. Look outside they said. 5 feet of
>> snow. 
>> Wadena had two hotels. One was called Hotel Motel where I got a room and
>> spent a night. The mayor who had heard that a doctor was visiting came
>> up in the morning and had breakfast with me. He was very friendly and
>> genuinely welcoming. He drove me around that little town in his pick up
>> truck. I asked him what there was to do in town, and he told me that I
>> could go moose hunting on his estate and indicated that there were snow
>> scooters I could use. I had visions of telling my wife to pick up the
>> rifle and go moose hunting because I was held up at the clinic and that
>> I would join her later. 
>> Canada was not the place for me. I returned to India the next year.
>> People in India were amazed that I was idiot enough to return to India
>> after having "made it" in the west. I told them that I had been living
>> in the north of England and had suffered a nervous breakdown. The
>> previous summer I had seen a bright light in the sky that scared me
>> witless leading to the breakdown. When I recovered people told me that
>> the light was actually the sun. I had not seen the sun for 2 years in
>> the north of England and had forgotten about it. Scary innit? 
>> Happiness is in one's head. There is a digitized 8 mm home movie of me
>> as a 4 year old child carrying a toy gun. I still love shooting. There
>> is something compellingly satisfying about pulling a little lever
>> attached to a pipe in front of you and seeing a Coke can explode dozens
>> of yards away. I have received warning letters from the Society for
>> Prevention of Cruelty to Tin cans. But what do I care? Happiness is
>> doing things that you feel like doing. Things that relax you and keep
>> your mind empty like that recently perforated Coke can.
>> shiv
> Lovely writing, Shiv.

I agree, this needs - deserves public homage.

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