The final census data is out anytime now.time 
For a hackathon?silklisters arise!!

Naresh Narasimhan
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> Is South India Really Richer? | This is Ashok.
> That South India is more developed than the Hindi-speaking North is a common 
> refrain. Literacy rates and per capita income generally bear this out. 
> Indeed, we worry of the barren villages in Bihar, not fertile landscapes 
> across Tamil Nadu. As per the Human Development Indices across India, the 
> South is just over 25% ahead of the All-India average.
> And yet, the story is false. Or so is my conclusion after running into a few 
> “Data Stories” of India (looks like Tyler Cowen is interested, too). While 
> the maps give breathtaking life to the real depth of poverty across India, 
> there are fairly rigorous analytics to vindicate my point. While the 
> commonly-used GINI measure of inequality is very intuitive, it’s handcuffed 
> by its inability to decompose the inequality with certain subgroups. A more 
> appropriate measure is the Theil Index, which I talk about in a recent blog 
> post:
> The math behind the measure (between 0 and 1) requires a fair understanding 
> of information theory but the idea is lower index implies a higher economic 
> “entropy”.
> Your physics teacher might tell you that this is a bad thing but, 
> economically, it’s a little more complex. As Boltzmann showed, entropy 
> increases as predictability of an event decreases. This means the entropy of 
> a fair coin is higher than a biased one. Similarly, in a very equal economy 
> it is very difficult to distinguish between two earners based only on their 
> income. Indeed in a perfectly equal society this is impossible. However, as 
> society stratifies itself, knowledge of ones income conveys far more 
> information (redundancy), thereby decreasing entropy.
> Within a system, Theil makes it easy for econometricians to understand the 
> amount of total inequality due to within-group inequality and across-group 
> inequality. If this is a little hard to grasp, think about it this way. If 
> the total differences in economic output remained constant between countries 
> (that is, India is still poor and Norway rich) but income was equally 
> distributed within each country the residual inequality would be the 
> “across-country” inequality. The residual from the converse, where all 
> countries remain as unequal as they were, but world economic output is 
> distributed equally to countries (not people), represents the 
> “within-country” inequality.
> And the same reasoning can be scaled-down to consider inequality within and 
> across Indian states. And this is just what a few researchers from the 
> University of Texas did. Before we discuss this, it’s worth considering what 
> high” decomposed, across-state inequality is. A good benchmark is definitely 
> America. While the Northeast and California are generally considered to be 
> richer than the rest, the real turmoil of inequality – at least the public’s 
> eye – is definitely between individuals and not states. Further, the economic 
> relationship between various American regions has been highly volatile, with 
> some sign that growth is picking up most rapidly (in no small part due to 
> extractive oil and gas industries) across “middle America”. Here is a 
> decomposed map of inequality in the United States:
> A few accounting points notes here – while the overall measure can never be 
> negative (greyish or black, in the above figure) individual agents can. A 
> below-zero value here indicates that the given county is actually decreasing 
> overall inequality of the country as a whole. The signal, here, is that 
> American states are, broadly, equal. The real inequality stems from the 
> difference between the rich and poor in Manhattan, not between the New Yorker 
> and Iowan.
> So back to Galbraith, Chowdhury, and Shrivastava at Texas, we find that 
> across-State inequality in India is pretty low:
> The dynamics of this graph are fascinating. For one, the purple line (within 
> state inequality) is far more cyclical with overall inequality than the green 
> line (between state inequality). While both do a fair job signalling 
> inflections, the former represents approximately 90% of the change. Indeed, 
> the contribution of between state inequality has been in relative decline 
> since the 1980s.
> While this chart is too fuzzy to derive any grand conclusions, it’s 
> interesting that the correlation across between state and within state 
> inequalities diminished significantly since the piecemeal reforms of the 
> 1980s. While data isn’t available as far back as the ’50s, I suspect 
> liberalization shifted the onus from the state onto the individual. Further, 
> central bureaucrats weren’t able to throttle State growth in the same uneven 
> manner as the years of Fabian regulation.
> Of course, this is just mere conjecture. Here’s a graph from the Data Stories:
> It’s surprising how relatively rich Bangalore (the blue oasis straight up 
> from the Southern tip) is. Generally, though, almost all of India is as 
> deprived of all the assets indicated above. Now, some might say this isn’t a 
> good depiction of wealth inequality across India because most of the 
> inequality doesn’t stem from the upper-middle class that owns said assets, 
> but among the poor. However, it’s important noting that in terms of total 
> assets, the 5% that owns these assets controls most of Indian wealth. 
> Division of what’s leftover barely moves overall inequality.
> On the other hand, in terms of overall standard of living, the South might 
> actually be significantly better:
> The big exception is that a good chunk of the North does as well if not 
> better than the South. The cow-belt of India (it’s heartland) does remarkably 
> badly. While this is commonly parsed as the relative wealth of the South, I 
> think it’s the far more equitable distribution of the little that’s leftover 
> after the 5% have taken their share. The above graph depicts what we may call 
> the “poorest of the poor”. To that end, let’s reference this image against 
> the Theil contributions of various states to overall inequality, again from 
> Galbraith et al.:
> It should not be hard to see that there’s a fair overlap between the states 
> listed on here (various incarnations of Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, 
> Madhya Pradesh, and Orissa) are the darkest on the map.
> This has some important implications for policy making across India. Indians 
> all over (especially in the anxious time before an election) hear of the 
> Gujarat or Bihar “growth models”. Panagariya and Bhagwati in India’s Tryst 
> with Destiny (which I critically review, here) talk about the importance of 
> pro-growth policies. They fairly argue that redistribution alone cannot 
> better the lives of India’s poor.
> And while on a national stage this is definitely true, the data above clearly 
> show that the more habitable states (in the economic sense) are not so 
> because of rapid growth rates, but a more equitable distribution of income 
> between the poor and the not-so-poor-but-not-rich. There are a few future 
> research projects, in America, India, and the world that would be very 
> interesting. The Theil Index is, econometrically, a far more robust measure 
> capable of fantastic insight. It would be fascinating to see a study that 
> decomposes a country not into States, but income percentiles to gauge the 
> extent to which each contributes to overall inequality.
> I’m guessing, within the United States, there has been an overwhelming shift 
> in the past thirty years away from general inequality to that between the top 
> 5%. In some sense, policy should be targeted to curing not just inequality, 
> but also inequality of inequality.

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