On 15 May 2013 10:46, "Srini RamaKrishnan" <che...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The gourmands on the list (I'm thinking Charles and Gautam chiefly,
> but also several others) will probably be interested in Steven Poole's
> new book, You aren't what you eat (2012)
> http://stevenpoole.net/you-arent-what-you-eat/
> Guardian's review:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2012/oct/21/what-eat-steven-poole-review
> <quote>
> The chef Anthony Bourdain writes of the chef Thomas Keller: "You
> haven't seen how he handles fish, gently laying it down on the board
> and caressing it, approaching it warily, respectfully, as if
> communicating with an old friend." The old friend, should we not have
> noticed, is dead. Are we to suppose that Keller is a medium? Or is he
> a necrophiliac fish-fiddler, a Jimmy Savile of the deep?
> </>
> The blurb:
> "Why is everyone so obsessed with food? How did chefs come to be the
> gurus of the age? And what’s with serving chips in a beaker and
> slivers of vegetable on hot stones? This polemic against “foodies” and
> their oral fixation pits Jamie Oliver against Jacques Derrida, and
> sees the author eating a nitro-frozen bolus of olive oil, marvelling
> at food fashion, and descending into the ninth circle of foodist hell
> at MasterChef Live."
> Interview: (53 mins)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G1DcoLxQpY

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