Doesnt this judgement give some legal legs to cohabitation rights in India


 If any unmarried couple of the right legal age “indulge in sexual
gratification,” this will be considered a valid marriage and they could be
termed “husband and wife,” the Madras High Court has ruled in a judgment
that gives a new twist to the concept of premarital sex.

The court said that if a bachelor has completed 21 years of age and an
unmarried woman 18 years, they have acquired the freedom of choice
guaranteed by the Constitution. “Consequently, if any couple choose to
consummate their sexual cravings, then that act becomes a total commitment
with adherence to all consequences that may follow, except on certain
exceptional considerations.”

The court said marriage formalities as per various religious customs such
as the tying of a mangalsutra, the exchange of garlands and rings or the
registering of a marriage were only to comply with religious customs for
the satisfaction of society.

The court further said if necessary either party to a relationship could
approach a Family Court for a declaration of marital status by supplying
documentary proof for a sexual relationship. Once such a declaration was
obtained, a woman could establish herself as the man’s wife in government
records. “Legal rights applicable to normal wedded couples will also be
applicable to couples who have had sexual relationships which are

The court also said if after having a sexual relationship, the couple
decided to separate due to difference of opinion, the ‘husband’ could not
marry without getting a decree of divorce from the ‘wife’.

Justice C.S. Karnan passed the order on Monday while modifying an April
2006 judgment of a Coimbatore family court in a maintenance case involving
a couple. The lower court had ordered the man to pay monthly maintenance of
Rs. 500 to the couple’s two children and Rs. 1000 as litigation expenses.
The lower court observed that the woman’s wedding with the man had not been
proved by documentary evidence. Hence, she was not entitled to maintenance.

In her appeal to the High Court, the woman’s counsel contended that she was
legally married and had two children in wedlock.

Justice Karnan said he was of the view that a valid marriage did not
necessarily mean that all the customary rights pertaining to the married
couple are to be followed and subsequently solemnised. In the present case,
the woman and her husband had no encumbrance or other disqualification for
solemnising their wedding as per their customs. For solemnising a wedding,
legal aspects should be placed on a higher scale than the customary
aspects. In this case, the man had signed in the ‘live birth report’ of his
second child and given his consent for a Caesarean section for its birth.
As such, he had officially admitted that she was his wife.

“Without legal encumbrance or third party interference or without affecting
third party rights, both the petitioner and the respondent lived together
as spouses and begot two children.” Therefore, the question of an
illegitimate relationship did not arise. Wedding solemnisation was only a
customary right, but not a mandatory one. Hence, the judge said, he was
treating the couple as spouses in normal life.

“It is not disputed that the petitioner has been a spinster before she gave
birth and that the respondent was a bachelor before developing sexual
relationship with the petitioner. Both of them led their marital life under
the same shelter and begot two children. Therefore, the petitioner’s rank
has been elevated as the `wife’ of the respondent and likewise, the
respondent’s rank has been elevated as the `husband’ of the petitioner.
Therefore, the children born to them are legitimate children and the
petitioner is the legitimate wife of the respondent.”

The judge directed the woman’s husband to pay her a monthly maintenance of
Rs.500 from the date of petition, i.e. from September 2000. The arrears of
maintenance up to May this year should be paid within a period of three

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