
Once again, I'm glad to see your sexist, misogynist, low IQ and completely
bullshit comments on a well-researched piece.

Once again, just because it contrasts with your equally bullshit theories
of Ram Rajya and Ye Olde English Way Of Life:)

Good to have you here, man :-)

On 05-Oct-2014 11:03 pm, "SS" <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2014-10-05 at 15:59 +0530, Shenoy N wrote:
> > FWIW: The problem with deciding to follow one part of religion because
> > it
> > makes sense and jettisoning another because it doesn't is that the
> > follower
> > comes up against the very reasonable question - if parts of it are
> > silly,
> > is it really divine at all? and soon concludes in the negative. That
> > leaves
> > with only the everything-is-literally-true people whose tribe seems to
> > be
> > increasing not so much because their numbers are swelling as because
> > the
> > more rational guys are choosing not to believe in any of it at all.
> > And
> > politics being what it is, the loonies are always the first to be
> > heard.
> Yes. But this is the religionists viewpoint of the uncomfortable
> questions that religion faces.
> How about science? How come no one is asking science uncomfortable
> questions about why science finds it OK to discard morality, or not
> question the discarding of morality without having a clue about why and
> where morality came from. And no. Religion did not bring in morality.
> The very same concepts of morality pre-date the religions and exist
> outside religion.
> For example, look at this article
> The author (an economist, I think, certainly not a biologist of priest)
> starts by saying:
> > MARRIAGE is disappearing. More than 40 percent of new mothers are
> > unmarried.
> >
> >
> Later she says:
> > Can marriage be restored as the standard way to raise children? As
> > much as we might welcome a revival, I doubt that it will happen. The
> > genie is out of the bottle.
> This statement brought a contemptuous smile on my face because the woman
> is bluffing. This is a classic example of GIGO by an ignoramus who is
> accustomed to bluffing her way through and does not require to meet the
> standards that a scientist is supposed to reach.
> For anything to be declared as impossible, one must first try and
> understand why something happens and then decide whether it is
> impossible or not. For example - 150 years ago, flying was thought to be
> impossible while people were experimenting with "perpetual motion
> machines". Physics teaches us that perpetual motion without the input of
> energy is impossible, but heavier than air objects flying is possible.
> But what about marriage? Why have marriages existed before anyone can
> remember? Why have marriages been known from before many religions? If
> you do not know why marriages were thought necessary in human society
> for over 3000 years of recorded history, how on earth can the concept of
> marriage be simply dismissed? This is no better than alchemists trying
> to make gold from base metals.
> And this is the 21st century?
> shiv

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