I find bottom posting a little .. dinosaur-ish. Corporate email has
effectively institutionalized top-posting, and the default now seems to be
to top-post for a general reply, and to reply inline for specific points.
I find it amusing how the bottom-posting brigade tries to claim that
top-posting is insensitive/ boorish/ uncultured/ etc. This is almost like
that other great concept, Mansplaining- something that is now thrown about
when you're convinced about your way being the only way (and is also used
more as a way to belittle others than for anything else).

Anyway, lolz.

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 10:58 PM, Dave Long <dave.l...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

>>> OK, here goes. But why is not default?
> The just-so story is so that one can show respect for a cultivated
> audience (or at least distinguish oneself from the uneducated) by making a
> little effort to bottom post, in the same way that one might make a little
> effort to use standard grammar and orthography, instead of typing whatever
> comes at hazard to the fingertips.

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