hello all. i've been lurking for a few months. still not entirely sure what
this list is for, or about, but it seems lively and interesting, and
contains interesting people.

i've recently relocated to hyderbad from melbourne, here for a year (or
more - that decision is to be made later).

i do, among other things:
- things that are science, though the official parts of that are mostly in
my past life - used to be a biomedical engineering researcher
- things that are open, particularly around the intersection of software &
science, and lately, software and healthcare, mostly in and around my dayjob
- food, at all stages of its formation and disformation
- cryptic crosswords, hoping to graduate to languages other than english
- queer, feminist, non-cis-het life and activism
- knitting
- community building
- reading and writing all kinds of stuff.

nice to make your acquaintance.


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