As far as I know, there is The Promise Foundation in Bangalore. Last I
checked (more than I year ago), they were providing books to govt. aided
schools with the funds received from large companies. I'm quite sure that
they're involved with the government as well. It's worth finding out.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Chew Lin Kay <> wrote:

> ​Hello everyone,
> Udhay suggested that I tap the Collective Brain for this--has anyone heard
> of NGOs in India (one? many?) that trains volunteers to a) read the
> relevant ​federal and state level documents on funding for schools, b)
> explain said allocations to local schools so that c) schools can go back to
> the authorities to demand for the money that should have been forthcoming?
> I think the programme also involved data collection (e.g. schools saying
> that they need more flexibility in spending, less specific allocations for
> certain less useful areas etc).
> Many thanks!
> Chew Lin

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