Telepathy, unfortunately,
turns out to not be all about elevated Apollonian abstract intellectualism: it's an emotion amplifier and taps into the most toxic wellsprings of the

The XX equivalent of telepathy was loudspeakers and radio (not that that was a century which we should have much wish to repeat). I have a few references from American (but Goebbels is said to have given at least one of their books a prominent place in his library as well) propaganda men from the period if you all are interested, but be warned that I've left off reading this stuff because (even though at least two of the three are firmly convinced they are on the side of tru... well, at least goodness and progress) I found it toxic in large doses.


(the classical greek distinction between logic and rhetoric seems to have been drawn largely upon the distinction between truth and truthiness; the latter word may be new but the concept it denotes is ancient)

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