This feels like a count-down to the ball being dropped in Times Square on
the New Year eve here...

As I had promised Udhay, here goes my introductory mail..although I have
been a member of the group for a while (not sure when I joined it, but
thanks to my friend Bharat Shetty Barkur - I get to lurk in the background,
admiring the geeks and non-geeks of this group from afar).
I happen to be hard of hearing, but I strictly communicate orally and am an
excellent lip-reader. I consider myself to be a jack of all trades and a
master of none - with a long athletic/competitive tennis career (did dabble
as a tennis coach for a while, to make ends meet), which I had to abandon
in order to pursue my higher studies (a must for our middle-class family,
where 'education is wealth' - which I do not fully agree with, since there
are instances of people doing equally well without any fancy degrees under
their belt). I strongly believe that a sporting career helps develop the
confidence, drive and independence in any individual, come what may. Some
people are naturally gifted, while others make it to the top with sheer
hard work, blood, sweat and tears, the latter category of which I fall
into! I did dabble in poetry and painting, plus competitive yoga when I was
in my teens, but had to weed them all out, to focus solely on my tennis
career. I am better known as a tennis player, although I consider myself to
be a decent athlete. I have a passion for travel, for it helps widen my
horizons, and I do enjoy going on long drives. I get to be in my elements
on the road as well as on the courts.
In any case, I have a background in Civil Engineering and a double masters
in Environmental Engineering and Science/Computer Science. I do not fall
into any of the above, for I have never really gotten around to work in
either the civil or environmental fields. Worked briefly in the IT sector,
before I realized it was not my cuppa joe.
So, I am now back to square one, not to mention being broke, and clueless,
but still trying to chase my lofty dreams. I did be more than happy to list
them all out here, but would spare you the drudgery for another day :) To
give you a brief glimpse into one of my goals, one of them is to make a
foray into modeling, at such an advanced age!
I am an ardent admirer of Jack Ma and J.K. Rowling and strongly believe
that when you have the drive to do something, it is bound to work, no
matter what. I do admire women who break the glass ceiling in their
respective spheres....
As the fastest woman on two wheels once said...."If someone is interested
in something, they don't have to start off with a whole lot of money to be
successful at something they love. They just have to pursue it, and make it
In closing, I would like to mention two of my favorite quotes by Johann von
- *Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to
become what they are capable of being.*
*- Plunge into the thick of life....*

I would give an arm and leg to be there for the 20th reunion of Silk List
this evening, but unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances have played havoc
on my plans...

Hopefully, I will get to see you folks during my travels, or at the silver
jubilee and golden jubilee celebrations, if it ever takes place, either in
India or anywhere else around the world. It helps to get some perspective
from well-read folks like you all...

- pcs.

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