On Fri, 21 Jun, 2019, 6:51 PM Peter Griffin, <peter.grif...@gmail.com>

> What do you folks think of the Libra cyptocurrency?

Cui bono? Regardless of the merits of the currency I see this as one more
step in the inevitable shift in power from governments to corporations.
Large corporations already dictate foreign policy and wars to some extent,
but they are eventually going to want legitimate authority, so they don't
have to worry about monopoly restriction laws or taxes.

If currencies, armies, education, healthcare, roads, housing, utilities are
all privatised then what role really do governments have?

Why should we bother with elections? Or laws? Maybe there'll be an app for
that too.

Governments and the voters must  proceed carefully or there'll be a very
different tomorrow waiting for us.

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