> In game theory terms, it's great if everyone cooperates, but you need a 
> strategy to cope with serial defectors, too.

Serial[0] defectors should[1] be a small (and relatively powerless) fraction of 

Therefore the strategy for individual serial-D players is to be like water, and 
flow/route around[2] them?


[0] rare strategic defections are much more dangerous; cue discussion of 
"Diplomacy" tactics
[1] maybe I got lucky; I landed in a high-C society on the first attempt at 
voting with my feet
[2] were "not play" not an option, see [1]

> Trying to find common ground ... will ... cause you to cede ground to them 
> that you ought ... to stand firm on.

I understand that feeling, but have you found anywhere I ceded ground on my 
attempts at empathy upthread?  Homo sapiens being the rationalising animal, 
it's not uncommon to find that people who start from horrid policy still manage 
to work backwards to reasonable goals.

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