At 02:35 AM 8-18-98 +0000, chc wrote:
>     What is the difference between .999 and .9999?
> If .9999 is much better healthwise,  Does anyone know 
> where we can buy .9999 silver???

The 'four 9' (or .9999) is 10 times better than .999, 
as regards freedom from impurities, including lead.  
Personally, I've decided to avoid colloidal lead.

Silver Solutions is where I bought my electrodes last year -- 
1 pair of 6 inch long, 'ultra fine' .9999 silver, 14 gauge wires 
for $15.00.  The wires came with good xeroxed instructions that 
included the information and updates seen on their web site at:

By the way, I've e-mailed them twice for prices on 
larger quantities of .9999 silver wire, but they've 
failed to answer me.  Why don't some more people 
ask them, too, and maybe they'll wake up ?



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